HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine HerbsChinese Asafoe tida|Sinkiang Ferula

Chinese Asafoe tida|Sinkiang Ferula

Chinese Asafoe tida|Sinkiang Ferula
Chinese Asafoe tida|Sinkiang Ferula
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Ferulae Resina
Chinese Name

Chinese Asafoe tida|Sinkiang FerulaMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in Central Asia, as well as Iran and Afghanistan.
Macroscopic Features
Clumps and paste of uneven size. Variable color intensity; external color is sallow to brown-yellow. Clumps are light with wax-like texture; holes and fissures on the fractured surface. Fresh cut surface color is light and darkens after storage. Paste is thick and grey-white. Intense and enduring distinctive odor, similar to spoiled garlic. Tastes spicy, sticky when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Good-qualified is lump-shaped with an intense odor similar to spoiled garlic; the fractured surface is milky white or slightly tinged with red.
Bitter, acrid; warm.
Reduced accumulations, disperses glomus and kills worms. Meat gastricism, gore with blood stasis, abdominal distention and fullness, abdominal pain due to worms.
The resin of Ferula sinkiangensis K. M. Shen or Ferula Fukanensis K. M. Shen. Harvested during flowering till early fruiting of late spring to early summer; the stem is cut downward at an angle from the upper end and the milky resin that drops out is collected and dried in the dark.
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