Common Bletilla Tuber

Common Bletilla Tuber
Common Bletilla Tuber
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Bletillae Rhizoma
Chinese Name
Roots and rhizomes

Common Bletilla TuberMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, Jiangxi.
Macroscopic Features
Irregular flat spherical shape, with 2~3 claw-like branches, 0.5~1.5cm long, 0.5~1.5cm thick. Externally grayish-white or yellowish-white; presents numerous circular and concentric rings and brown dots of rootlet scars; presents raised stem scars, a scar of connection with another stem on the base. Hard texture, hard to break, off-white fracture surface, horn-like. faint odor; taste bitter, sticky when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, full, white, translucent, hard and firm texture.
Bitter, sweet, astringent; slightly cold.
Tonify the lung, stop bleeding, reduces swelling, engenders flesh, astringes core. Applied to empsyxis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, traumatic hemorrhage, anthracia and swelling caused by toxicity, pain due to ulcer, scalding and scorching injuries, rhagadia manus et pedis.
Technical Terms
‘Rings’: This refers to the numerous circular, concentric rings that are seen on the outer surface of Bai ji medical material.
The dired rhizome of Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Reichb. f. (Orchidaceae).
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