Buerger Pipewort Head

Buerger Pipewort Head
Buerger Pipewort Head
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Eriocauli Flos
Chinese Name

Buerger Pipewort HeadMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang.
Macroscopic Features
Flower head is sub-spherical, 4~5mm diameter; base has scale-like pale yellow bracts, densely arranged in a plate-like shape; 30~40 small flowers, grayish-white, densely arranged, externally covered white thin powder; after hand-crushing, numerous black small granules and grayish-green small seeds can be seen. Below the flower head, one thin long stem is connected, 15~18cm long, lustrous. Soft texture, difficult to break. faint odor; tasteless, becomes a lump when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has large and tight ‘pearls’, grayish-white color, short yellowish-green stem, no roots, leaves or foreign matter.
Acrid, sweet; neutral.
Expels wind, clears heat, improves eyesight, removes superficial visual obstruction. Apply to visual obstruction, night blindness, head pain, teeth pain, throat impediment, epistaxis.
Technical Terms
‘Gu jing zhu’: The flower head of E. sexangulare L, and E. australe R. Br, not formal medicinal material. Flower head is relatively small, 2~4mm diameter, grayish-yellow, more than 10 small flowers arranged relatively loosely, stem is thin and soft, some with leaves.
The dried flower head and accompanying stem of Eriocaulon buergerianum Koern.(Eriocaulaceae)
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