Silktree Albizia Flower

Silktree Albizia Flower
Silktree Albizia Flower
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Albiziae Flos
Chinese Name

Silktree Albizia FlowerMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang.
Macroscopic Features
Captitulum shape or shallow grooves, uneven thickness and length, 15~50 long, 0.2~0.3cm thick. Externally charred-green or grayish-green, slightly with longitudinal wrinkles; horizontal lenticels, oval shaped, brownish-red, occasionally has raised horizontal ridges or relatively large round scars of lateral roots. Inner surface is pale yellow, with thin longitudinal wrinkles. Hard and brittle texture, fibrous and thorn-like. faint odor; astringent and slightly bitter taste, slightly numbing to the tongue, causes discomfort to the throat.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has thin and dense outer skin, yellow inner skin, astringent taste and numbing tongue.
Sweet; neutral
Resolves dampness, regulates qi, calms, spirit, boosts channel, nourishes blood, moistens kidney yin, clears heart, brightens eyes.
The dried flower of Albizia julibrissin Durazz.(Fabaceae)
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