Galanga Galangal Fruit

Galanga Galangal Fruit
Galanga Galangal Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Galangae Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Galanga Galangal FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Hainan, Guangdong.
Macroscopic Features
Long round, slightly shrunk in the middle, 0.7~1.5cm long, 0.4~1cm diameter; externally reddish-brown or pale reddish-brown, smooth or wrinkled; apex has raised remnants of perianth, base has scar of fruit stem; fruit skin is thin and easily broken. Seed is a triangular polyhedron, with 3 chambers, each has 2 seeds. Seed is irregular tetrahedron, 4~6mm long, 3~6mm diameter, externally dark brown or brown, slightly lustrous, with irregular wrinkles, externally covered with a pale yellow or grayish-yellow aril, back has indented hilum, ventral side has chalaza, raphe is one shallow longitudinal groove. Potent aromatic odor; acrid and spicy taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, full, with potent aroma.
Acrid; warm
Warms center, dries dampness, dispels cold, arouses the spleen, disperses food. Apply to abdominal cold pain, food stagnation and fullness, vomiting and diarrhea, over drinking, dysphagia and nausea.
The dried mature fruit of Alpinia galangal Willd.(Zingiberaceae)
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