Japanese Pagodatree Fruit

Japanese Pagodatree Fruit
Japanese Pagodatree Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Sophprae Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Japanese Pagodatree FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Tianjin, Beijing, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shaanxi, Hebei.
Macroscopic Features
Linked shape. Externally yellowish-green or yellowish-brown, wrinkled and rough, back side has one yellow line. Soft and smooth texture, dry, easily broken at the wrinkled positions; fractured surface is yellowish-green, sticky. 1~6 seeds, kidney-shaped, externally smooth, brown-black; one side has grayish-white round hilum; hard texture; 2 cotyledons, yellowish-green. faint odor, bitter taste, with a bean-like taste when the seeds are chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has fat and large shape, long horn, yellowish-green color, full body, smooth, dry, without foreign matter.
Bitter; cold.
Clears heat, drains fire, cools blood, stops blood. Apply to hemafecia due to intestinal heat, piles and hemorrhage, headache due to hepatic heat, vertigo and conjunctival congestion.
The dried mature fruit of Sophora japonica L.(Fabaceae)
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