Amur Corktree Bark

Amur Corktree Bark
Amur Corktree Bark
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex
Chinese Name
Tree barks and root barks

Amur Corktree BarkMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou.
Macroscopic Features
Board-shaped or shallow grooved pieces, uneven in length, 3~6mm thick. Outer surface is yellowish-brown, flat or with longitudinal grooves, sometimes one can see scars of lenticels and remnants of grayish-brown rough skin. Inner surface is dark yellow or pale brown, with thin dense longitudinal ridges. Light in weight, hard texture; fractured surface is fibrous, in cracked layers, dark yellow. faint odor, very bitter taste, sticky when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has thick cortex and yellow fractured surface.
Bitter; cold.
Clears heat, dried dampness, drains fire, eliminates steaming, resolves toxin, treats sore. Apply to dysentery due to damp-heat pathogen, jaundice, leukorrhea, pyretic stranguria, beriberi, osteopyrexia, night sweat, emissions, burns and scalds and swelling, eczema and pruritus.
Processed Form
Salt huang bai: Cleans huang bai strips, follows the way of salt water process to fry to dry. Moistens yin, downbears fire. Apply to yin deficiency and fire excess, night sweat and bone steaming. Huang bai charcoal: follows the way of frying charcoal process to fry the huang bai strips till externally burnt-black. Advanced in stopping bleeding.
The dried tree barks of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.(Rutaceae), also called ‘Chuan huang bai’.

Amur Corktree BarkHerbs in the formula

Chinese Angelica Six Yellow Decoction

Chinese Angelica Six Yellow Decoction

Action:Nourishes yin, drains fire, consolidates the exterior, and arrests sweating.
Indication:This formula is indicated for night sweating caused by yin deficiency and intense fire. The symptoms are night sweating with fever, red complexion, vexation, thirst and dry lips, dry stool, dark urine, a red tongue body with a yellow coating, and a rapid pulse.
Coptis Toxin-Resolving Decoction

Coptis Toxin-Resolving Decoction

Action:Drains fire and resolves toxins.
Indication:This formula is indicated for fire toxins in the sanjiao. The symptoms are fever, vexation, delirious speech, sleeplessness, dry mouth and throat, dark urine, spitting of blood, nosebleed, rashes, fever with dysentery, jaundice caused by epidemic toxins, rashes, abscesses, ulcers, boils, a red tongue with yellow coating, and a forceful rapid pulse.
Mume Pill

Mume Pill

Action:Calms roundworms and relieves pain.
Indication:Wu Mei Wan is used for syncope due to roundworms. The symptoms include paroxysmal pain of the abdomen and stomach cavity, vexatious vomiting, vomiting after eating, vomiting roundworms, cold limbs, and chronic diarrhea or dysentery.
Yellow-Transforming Decoction

Yellow-Transforming Decoction

Action:Consolidates the kidney and arrests vaginal discharge, clears heat and dispels dampness.
Indication:Yi Huang Tang is indicated for patients with abnormal vaginal discharge due to damp-heat accumulation. Symptoms include excessive yellow, sticky, thick leucorrhea. The yellow discoloration may have the appearance of dark tea in severe cases. Generally, the tongue body is red and the coating is greasy, yellow.
Menses-Securing Pill

Menses-Securing Pill

Action:Enriches yin and clears heat, consolidates the channels and stanches bleeding.
Indication:Gu Jing Wan is designed for flooding and spotting due to yin deficiency and blood heat. The symptoms include flooding and spotting or profuse menstruation that is dark or purple, feverish sensation in the palms and soles, weakness and soreness in the loins and knees, a red tongue body, and a rapid pulse.
Pulsatilla Decoction

Pulsatilla Decoction

Action:Clears heat, resolves toxins, cools the blood, and arrests dysentery.
Indication:This formula is indicated for heat toxin bloody dysentery. The symptoms are stools with pus and fresh blood, abdominal pain, abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness, burning sensation in the anus, thirst with a desire to drink, a red tongue with yellow coating, and a slippery, rapid pulse.
Major Yin-Supplementing Pill

Major Yin-Supplementing Pill

Action:Enriches yin and subdues fire.
Indication:Da Bu Yin Wan is used to treat patterns of yin deficiency with deficiency fire marked by steaming bone fever, night sweat, seminal emission, cough, hemoptysis, vexation, irascibility, pain and redness of the feet and knees, a red tongue with scanty coating, and a rapid, powerful pulse at the chi position.
Two Mysterious Powder

Two Mysterious Powder

Action:Clears heat and dries dampness.
Indication:Er Miao San is indicated for damp-heat pouring downward. The symptoms are pain of the sinews and bone, flaccidity of feet, swelling and pain of feet and knee, vaginal discharge, eczema, sores on the lower body, and scanty dark urine. The tongue coating is yellow and greasy.
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