Canton Abrus Herb

Canton Abrus Herb
Canton Abrus Herb
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Abri Herba
Chinese Name
Whole herbs

Canton Abrus HerbMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi.
Macroscopic Features
Roots often are conical, with thick top and thin bottom, with branches, uneven length, 0.5~1.5cm diameter; externally grayish-brown, rough, with thin longitudinal lines, lateral root is very thin, sometimes with a broken or remaining base; hard texture. Stems are clustered thickly, grayish-brown or purple-brown, small twigs are very thin, sparsely covered in short soft hairs. Alternating pinnate compound leaves, 8~11 pairs of oblong leaflets, often fallen off, leaflets are rectangular round shaped, Abrus cantoniensis Hance leaves are 0.8~1.2cm long, Abrus mollis Hance leaves are 1.2~2.4cm long, flat tips, with a small point, lower surface is covered with downy hairs. faintly aromatic odor; slightly bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has knotted rhizomes with shole stems and leaves.
Sweet, slightly bitter; cool.
Clears heat, resolves toxin, courses the liver, resolves pain. apply to jaundice, hypochondrium discourses, abdominal swelling pain, acute and chronic hepatitis, mastitis.
The dried whole herb of Abrus cantoniensis Hance or Abrus mollis Hance.(Fabaceae)
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