Winteersweet Flower Bud

Winteersweet Flower Bud
Winteersweet Flower Bud
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Chimonathi Praecocis Flos
Chinese Name

Winteersweet Flower BudMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Guizhou.
Macroscopic Features
Round, square or inverse oval shape, 1~1.5cm long, 0.4~0.8cm wide; perianth joined to appear sprout-like, brownish-yellow, lower portion is bound with numerous membranous scales, which are yellowish-brown and slightly inverse triangular, with slight hairs. Aromatic odor, slightly sweet taste, then turns bitter, slightly oily feeling. There are two types of commercial material: Su xin la mei: flower center is yellow, polyphill, petal is round and large, flower bud is large as well. Hong xin la mei: flower center is red, single, petal is narrow and pointed, flower bud is small, texture is relatively poor.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has yellow flower center, full, intact and unopened.
Acrid, sweet
Resolves toxin, clears heat, rectifies qi, opens depression. Apply to summerheat and polydipsia, dizziness, chest tightness and abdominal fullness, globus hysteriocus, throat swelling pain.
The dried flower bud of Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link.(Calycanthaceae).
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