Lotus Seed

Lotus Seed
Lotus Seed
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Nelumbinis Semen
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Lotus SeedMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi.
Macroscopic Features
Slightly elliptical or sub-spherical, 1.2~1.8cm long, 0.8~1.4cm diameter. Externally pale yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, with thin longitudinal line and relatively wide veins. One end has nipple-like projection at the center, dark brown, often with cracks, slightly indented surroundings. Hard texture, thin seed coat, not easily peeled off. 2 cotyledons, yellowish-white, fat and thick with hollow center, with green core. faint odor; sweet slightly astringent taste; Lian zi xin core tastes bitter.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large and full.
Sweet, astringent, neutral
Supplements the spleen, stops diarrhea, promotes the kidney, astringes essence, nourishes heart, calms spirit. Apply to splenasthenic diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, emissions, leukorrhea, palpitation and insomnia.
The dried mature seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.(Nymphaeaceae). The material removed Lian zi xin is called Lian rou.

Lotus SeedHerbs in the formula

Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder

Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder

Action:Boosts qi and fortifies the spleen, drains dampness and arrests diarrhea.
Indication:Shen Ling Bai Zhu San is indicated for patterns of spleen deficiency with excessive dampness accumulation marked by epigastric bloating or stuffiness, borborygmus, diarrhea, lack of strength in the four limbs, thin body, and lusterless yellow facial complexion. The tongue is pale with a white, greasy coating and the pulse is moderate and deficient.
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