Chinese Trumpetcreeper

Chinese Trumpetcreeper
Chinese Trumpetcreeper
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Campsis Flos
Chinese Name

Chinese TrumpetcreeperMore Info

Production Regions
Originally produced in North America, now cultivated in eastern and central China.
Macroscopic Features
Campsis radicans (L.) Seem.: Yellowish-brown to brown, often wrinkled. Intact flower is 6~7cm long. Calyx tube is 1.5~2cm long, hard leathery texture, 5 cracks at the tip, lobes are short and triangular, 1/3 length of calyx tube, externally has no obvious longitudinal ridges; inner surface of corolla has obvious dark brown veins. Campsis grandiflora (Thunb.) K. Schum: often wrinkled, yellowish-brown to brown, intact flower is 4~5cm long. Calyx tube is bell-like shaped, 2~2.5cm long, 5 cracked lobes, cracked to the middle, 5 longitudinal ridges from calyx base to tip. Corolla tip has 5 cracks, which is semi-spherical, lower portion comes together in a funnel shape, externally can see thin veins, inner surface has it obviously. 4 stamens adhered on corolla, 2 long and 2 short, anther has an arrow shape, one style, and flat stigma. Clear aromatic odor; slightly bitter, sour taste. capsule is pod-like with blunt apex.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is intact, large, brownish-yellow.
Sweet, sour; cold
Moves blood, eliminates stasis, cools blood, dispels wind. Apply to amenorrhea and abdominal mass, postpartum mastitis, reddish wind rashes, skin itching, acne.
The dried flower of Campsis radicans (L.) Seem., Campsis grandiflora (Thunb.) K. Schum.(Bignoniaceae)
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