Dogbane Leaf

Dogbane Leaf
Dogbane Leaf
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Apocyni Veneti Folium
Chinese Name

Dogbane LeafMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in northwestern, northern, and northeastern China.
Macroscopic Features
Often wrinkled, sometimes crushed, intact leaves are oval-lanceolae or elliptical-lanceolate shaped after being flattened, 2~5cm long, 0.5~2cm wide, pale green or grayish-green, apex is blunt with small point, base is blunt round or a wedge-like shape, edges have thin saw-teeth, often curled over, both sides have no hairs, raised leaf veins on the lower surface; leaf stem is thin, about 4mm long. Brittle texture, faint odor, tasteless.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is intact, green.
Sweet, bitter, cool
Calms the liver and spirit, clears heat, promotes urination. Apply to dizziness due to liver yang, palpitation, insomnia, edema and oliguresis, hypertension, neurdeficiency, edema due to nephritis.
The dried leaf of Apocynum venetum L.(Apocynaceae)
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