Indian Trunpetflower Seed

Indian Trunpetflower Seed
Indian Trunpetflower Seed
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Oroxyli Semen
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Indian Trunpetflower SeedMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou.
Macroscopic Features
Butterfly-shaped thin pieces, except for the base, the other three sides extend to form a wide, large thin wing. 5~8cm long, 3.5~4.5cm wide. Externally pale yellowish-white, wing is translucent, with silk-like luster, and radial veins, edges often cracked. Light in weight, after peeling off the seed coat, one can see one thin membranous endosperm covering the cotyledons. 2 cotyledons, butterfly-shape, yellowish-green or yellow, 1~1.5cm long. faint odor, slightly bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, white, lustrous, with soft silk-like wing.
Bitter, sweet, cool
Clears heat, promotes throat, soothes liver, harmonizes stomach. Apply to cough due to lung heat, throat impediment, duck voice, pain of liver and stomach qi.
The dried mature seed of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent.(Bignoniaceae)
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