Common Scouring Rush

Common Scouring Rush
Common Scouring Rush
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Equiseti Hiemalis Herba
Chinese Name
Whole herbs

Common Scouring RushMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Shaanxi, Hubei and the northeast.
Macroscopic Features
Stem is long tube-shaped, not branched. 40~60cm long, about 6mm diameter. Externally grayish-green or yellowish-green, with 18~30 thin longitudinal ridges, flat and straightly arranged, ridge has 2 rows of tiny and shiny verrucous protuberances, adheres to the hands when touched. Joints have scales growing together and forming leaf sheaths, base of leaf sheaths and nodal sheaths are black-brown, have 2 rings of relatively wide rings. Sheath back has 2 ridges and one shallow groove. Brittle texture, easily broken, hollow fractured surface. 20~30 small holes arranged in a ring, inside has white or pale green thin flesh. faint odor, slightly astringent taste, sandy texture when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has long stem, green color, thick texture, not fallen from the joints.
Sweet, bitter, neutral
Disperse wind heat, abates eye screens. Apply to conjunctival congestion due to wind-heat, dacryorrhea due to head wind, cloudy nebula in eyes.
The dried aerial portion of Equisetum hiemale L.(Equisetaceae)
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