Production RegionsPrimarily produced in Chinese provinces of Anhui, Henan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangxi.
Macroscopic FeaturesMylabris phalerata Pallas: Long round shape, 1.5~2.5cm long, 0.5~1cm wide. Head and the mouthparts are downward, with relatively large compound eyes and one pair of antennas, which have mostly fallen off. Back has one pair of leathery wing-sheaths, black in color; 3 yellow or brownish-yellow horizontal wrinkles; lower surface of the wing-sheath has 2 inner wings that are brown, thin, membranous and transparent. Thorax and abdomen are black; thorax has 3 pairs of legs. Distinctive unpleasant odor. Mylabris cichorii L: Relatively small, 1~1.5cm long.
Quality RequirementsSuperior medicinal material is large, intact, brightly colored, without a rancid odor.
PropertiesAcrid, hot; very toxic.
FunctionsBreaks the blood and disperses abdominal masses, attacks the toxin of sores. Apply to conglomeration and swelling, chronic tinea, scrofula, wart, carbuncles, malign sores and dead flesh.
Processed FormRice-processed ban mao: Fry clean ban mao and rice, till the rice turned into yellowish-brown, then take out, and remove the head, wings and legs. Every 10kg ban mao needs rice 2kg. This can reduce the toxicity of crude drug.
OriginThe dried body of Mylabris phalerata Pallas or Mylabris cichorii L. (Meloidae). Captured in summer and autumn, suffocated or boiled to death, then sun-dried.