Production RegionsPrimarily produced in Yunnan province and eastern and southern China.
Macroscopic FeaturesThin long cylindrical, 5~20mm diameter, externally grayish-brown or brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and horizontal lenticels, nodes are enlarged. Light, firm and brittle texture, easily broken, fractured surface is grayish-yellow or pale grayish-brown, not flat. Horizontal cut surface cortex is very narrow, xylem has ducts and rays in a radial arrangement, relatively large ducts, and center is round pith. faint odor, bitter taste.
Quality RequirementsSuperior medicinal material has greenish-brown outer skin, even strip.
PropertiesBitter, acrid, neutral
FunctionsDispels wind-damp, frees channels, promotes urination. Apply to wind-damp impediment, joint swelling, paralysis and itching.
Technical Terms'Wheel radial striations’: This refers to a homogeneous radial arrangement of xylum rays seen on the cut surface, which were called “wheel spokes” in ancient literature.
OriginThe dried vine of Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Rehd. et Wils.(Apocynaceae)