Ash Bark

Ash Bark
Ash Bark
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Fraxini Cortex
Chinese Name
Tree barks and root barks

Ash BarkMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in northeastern China.
Macroscopic Features
Twig bark: Curled or grooved shape, 10~60cm long, 1.5~3mm thick. Outer surface is grayish-white, grayish-brown to black-brown or spotted, flat or slightly rough, with grayish-white spotted lenticels and thin oblique wrinkles, sometimes with scars of branches; inner surface is yellowish-white or brown, smooth. Hard and brittle texture, fractured surface is fibrous, yellowish-white. faint odor, bitter taste. Tree bark: long strip or lumps, 3~6mm thick. Outer surface is grayish-brown, with reddish-brown round or horizontal long lenticels and cracked grooves. Hard texture, fractured surface is relatively more fibrous.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is long, with thin outer skin and smooth
Bitter, cold
Clears heat, dries dampness, clears liver, brightens eyes, astringes and stops diarrhea, stops vaginal discharge. Apply to diarrhea due to heat toxin, vaginal discharge and itching, swelling pain induced by conjunctival congestion due to liver heat, conjunctival congestion.
The dried twig bark and tree bark of Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance., Fraxinus chinensis Roxb., Fraxinus szaboana Lingelsh., or Fraxinus stylosa Lingelsh.(Oleaceae)

Ash BarkHerbs in the formula

Pulsatilla Decoction

Pulsatilla Decoction

Action:Clears heat, resolves toxins, cools the blood, and arrests dysentery.
Indication:This formula is indicated for heat toxin bloody dysentery. The symptoms are stools with pus and fresh blood, abdominal pain, abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness, burning sensation in the anus, thirst with a desire to drink, a red tongue with yellow coating, and a slippery, rapid pulse.
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