Villous Amomum Fruit

Villous Amomum Fruit
Villous Amomum Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Amomi Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Villous Amomum FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi. Imported sha ren is produced in Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia.
Macroscopic Features
Amomum villosum Lour., Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen: elliptical or oval shape, with three unobvious ridges. 1.5~2cm long, 1~1.5cm diameter. Externally brown, densely have spiny protrusions; apex has remnants of perianth, base often has fruit stem. Exocarp is thin and soft. Seeds are bound together in a cluster, with three blunt ridges, center has white membrane that splits seeds into three sections, each has 5~26 seeds. Seeds are irregular polyhedrons, 2-3mm in diameter; externally brownish-red or dark brown, with thin wrinkles, externally covered with a pale brown membranous pseudocarp; hard texture, endosperm is milky-white. Potent aromatic odor, acrid and cool, slightly bitter taste. Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu.: long elliptical or oval-round shape, with three obvious ridges, 1.5~2cm long, 0.8~1.2cm diameter. Externally covered flake-like and branched soft spines; base has scar of fruit stem. Exocarp is thick and hard. Seed cluster is relatively small, each has 3~24 seeds; seed diameter is 1.5~2mm. Slightly light odor and taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, firm, full, with potent aroma.
Acrid, warm
Transforms dampness, increases appetite, warms spleen, relieves diarrhea, regulates qi, calms fetus. Apply to retention of dampness in the middle, abdominal fullness and anorexia, deficiency and cold spleen and stomach, vomit and diarrhea, pernicious vomiting, restless fetal movements.
The dried mature fruit of Amomum villosum Lour., Amomum villosum Lour. var. xanthioides T. L. Wu et Senjen, Amomum longiligulare T. L. Wu.(Zingiberaceae)

Villous Amomum FruitHerbs in the formula

Flower of Kudzuvine Drunk-Relieving Decoction

Flower of Kudzuvine Drunk-Relieving Decoction

Action:Promotes urination and disperses to separate and remove the invisible alcohol-dampness pathogenic accumulation, regulates qi and fortifies the spleen.
Indication:This formula is indicated for spleen damage due to alcohol accumulation, marked by dizziness, vomiting, fullness and oppression of the chest and diaphragm, aversion to food, tiredness, dysuria, loose stool, a greasy tongue coating, and a slippery pulse.
Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder

Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder

Action:Boosts qi and fortifies the spleen, drains dampness and arrests diarrhea.
Indication:Shen Ling Bai Zhu San is indicated for patterns of spleen deficiency with excessive dampness accumulation marked by epigastric bloating or stuffiness, borborygmus, diarrhea, lack of strength in the four limbs, thin body, and lusterless yellow facial complexion. The tongue is pale with a white, greasy coating and the pulse is moderate and deficient.
Spleen-Fortifying Pill

Spleen-Fortifying Pill

Action:Fortifies the spleen and harmonizes the stomach, promotes digestion and arrests diarrhea.
Indication:Food accumulation with spleen deficiency, marked by indigestion, fullness and oppression of the abdomen and stomach cavity, loose stool, greasy, yellow tongue coating, and a weak pulse.
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