Macroscopic FeaturesHaliotis diversicolor Reeve: long oval shape, inner side view is slightly ear-shape, 7~9cm long, 5~6cm wide, about 2cm tall. Externally dark red, with numerous irregular spiral ribs and dense long lines, spire portion is small, shell body is large, beginning from the apex of the spire, over 20 tubercular protuberances are arranged in a direction towards the right, at the end are 6~9 open holes, opening is even to the shell surface. Inner surface is smooth, with pearl-like colorful luster. Shell is relatively thick, hard texture, hard to break. faint odor, slightly salty taste. Haliotis discus hannai Ino: Long oval shape, 8~12cm long, 6~8cm wide, 2~3cm tall. Externally grayish-brown, with numerous rough and irregular wrinkles, and obvious long lines, often has attachment of moss or lime, end side has 4~5 open holes, opening is raised up to the shell surface, shell is relatively thin. Haliotis ovina Gmelin: Sub-spherical shape, 4~8cm long, 2.5~6cm wide, 0.8~2cm tall. Shell top is near the center and higher than the shell surface, spire portion and shell body both take 1/2 of the body, from the spire edge has 2 rows of even protuberances, especially obvious on the upper portion, end portion has 4~5 open holes, tube-like. Haliotis ruber (Leach): Flat oval shape, 13~17cm long, 11~14cm wide, 3.5~6cm tall. Externally brick-red, spire portion is about 1/2 of shell surface, spire rib and long lines are wavy raised, more than 30 verruca, end portion has 7~9 open holes, opening is raised up to shell surface. Haliotis asinina Linnaeus: Narrow and long, slightly curved, ear-like, 5~8cm long, 2.5~3.5cm wide, about 1cm tall. Externally smooth, with green, purple and brown color spots, spire portion is small, body spire is large, end has 5~7 open holes, opening is even to the shell surface which often is oval, thin shell, relatively brittle texture. Haliotis laevigata (Donovan): Oval shape, 11~14cm long, 8.5~11cm wide, 3~6.5cmtall. Externally brick-red, smooth, shell apex is higher than the shell surface, growing line is quite obvious, spire portion is about 1/3 of shell surface, more than 30 tubercular protuberances, end has 9 open holes, opening is even to the shell surface.
OriginThe dired shell of Haliotis diversicolor Reeve, Haliotis discus hannai Ino, Haliotis ovina Gmelin, Haliotis ruber (Leach), Haliotis asinina Linnaeus, Haliotis laevigata (Donovan). (Haliotidae). Harvest in summer and autumn, removed flesh, wash and dry.