Prince's Feather Fruit

Prince's Feather Fruit
Prince's Feather Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Polygni Orientalis Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Prince's Feather FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in northeastern and northern China.
Macroscopic Features
Flat round shape, 2~3mm diameter, 1~1.5mm thick. Externally brownish-black, or reddish-brown, lustrous, two sides are slightly indented, the center slightly bulges out longitudinally, apex has raised stylopodium, base has pale brown slightly rasied stem scar, sometimes has remnants of membranous perianth. Fruit skin is thick and firm. Seed is flat round shape, seed coat is pale brown membranous, endosperm is powdery, off-white, and embryo is slightly curved, in ringed shape. faint odor, tasteless.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is full, reddish-black.
Salty, slightly cold
Disperses blood and abdominal mass, eliminates accumulation, stops pain. apply to abdominal mass, scrofula, indigestion, abdominal swelling and fullness, edema and ascites.
The dried mature fruit of Polygonum orientale L.(Polygonaceae)
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