Ground Beetle

Ground Beetle
Ground Beetle
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Eupolyphaga Steleophaga
Chinese Name
Zoological substances

Ground BeetleMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan, Sichuan.
Macroscopic Features
Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker: Flat oval shape, 1.3~3cm long, 1.2~2.4cm wide. Front end is relatively narrow, back end is relatively wide, back side is purplish-brown, lustrous, without wings. Front thorax shell is relatively developed, covers the head; abdomen shell has 9 joints, tile-like arrangement. Front side is reddish-brown; head is relatively small, with one pair of fusiform antennae that often falls off; 3 pairs of legs at the thorax, with thin hairs and spines. Abdomen has horizontal ring joints. Loose texture, easily broken, fishy odor, slightly salty taste. Steleophaga plancyi : 2.2~3.7cm long, 1.4~2.5cm wide. Back side is black-brown, often has pale yellowish-brown spotted lump and black small spots on the edge.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has intact, fat body and purplish-brown color.
Salty, cold
Breaks blood, joins sinew and bones. Apply to injury of sinew and bone, blood stasis and amenorrhea, abdominal mass.
The dried body of female Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker, Steleophaga plancyi (Boleny).(Eupolyphaga).

Ground BeetleHerbs in the formula

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Action:Moves qi, invigorates blood, dispels dampness, dissolves phlegm, softens hardness, and disperses concretions.
Indication:Bie Jia Jian Wan is indicated for chronic malaria with masses below the costal region and abdominal masses. Long-lasting malaria causes masses to gather underneath the costal region. It is called chronic malaria with masses. Symptoms include: Masses underneath the costal region that stay firm when pushed, abdominal pain, weak muscles, decreased appetite, occasional cold or fever, and inhibited menses.
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