Ark Shell

Ark Shell
Ark Shell
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Arcae Concha
Chinese Name
Zoological substances

Ark ShellMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the area around the Bohai Gulf shore.
Macroscopic Features
Arca subcrenata Lischke: Slightly triangular or fan-shaped, 4~5cm long, 3~4cm tall. Outer shell sticks out, with brown hairs or hairs that have already fallen off; shell apex sticks out, rolled inward; 30~34 radial ridges from the apex to ventral side. Inner surface is smooth, white; shell edge has depressions related to the ridges on the outer surface, touching side has one row of small teeth. Firm texture, faint odor, tasteless. Arca granosa Linnaeus: 2.5~4cm long, 2~3cm tall. Outer surface of shell has no brown hairs, with 18~21 radial ridges, which have granular protrusions. Arca inflate Reeve.: 7~9cm long, 6~8cm tall. Outer surface has 42~48 radial ridges.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is neat, clean, without flesh and sand.
Salty, neutral
Eliminates phlegm, resolves stasis, softens hardness, disperses binds, controls acidity, relives pain. Apply to chronic phlegm stasis, hard to cough out thick phlegm, scrofula, gall, abdominal mass, stomachache and acid regurgitation.
The dried shell of Arca subcrenata Lischke, Arca granosa Linnaeus, Arca inflate Reeve. (Arcidae). Harvested in autumn and winter until the next spring, washed clean, boil in water, removed the flesh, dried.
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