Chinese Nut-gall

Chinese Nut-gall
Chinese Nut-gall
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Galla Chinensis
Chinese Name

Chinese Nut-gallMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou.
Macroscopic Features
Jiao bei: Ridged or oval shape, with irregular horn-like branches, 3~8cm long, 2~5cm diameter. Externally yellow or pale yellowish-brown, with obvious grayish-white soft and smooth short hairs. Hard and brittle texture, hollow after being broken, relatively thin shell, about 0.1~0.2cm, horn-like, inside has numerous dead black-brown aphids and gray powdery secretions. Inner shell is pale brown, smooth. Cut surface is horn-like. Slight distinctive bad odor, astringent taste. Du bei: Long round or fusiform shape, 2.5~9cm long, 1.5~4cm diameter. Externally grayish-brown, with few soft hairs. Hard and brittle texture, easily broken, fractured surface is horn-like, lustrous, shell thickness is about 0.2~0.3cm. Inner shell is smooth, with black-brown dead aphids and gray powdery secretions. Distinctively aromatic odor, astringent taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, intact, with thick shell, grayish-brown.
Sour, astringent, cold.
Astringes lung, stops sweating, astringes intestines, secures essence, stops bleeding, resolves toxin. Apply to chronic cough due to lung deficiency, sweating and night sweating, chronic dysentery and diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, emissions, gonorrhea, various hemorrhage, abscess swelling and sore.
The gallnut created on the tree Rhus chinensis Mill., Rhus potaninii Maxim., Rhus pun-jabensis Stew. var. sinica (Diels) Rehd. et Wils.(Anacardiaceae), by the parasitic Chinese sumac aphid Melaphis chinensis (Bell) Baker. Harvested in autumn, boiled briefly in water or steamed until the surface becomes gray to kill the aphids and dried. Differed by different shape into ‘du bei’ and ‘jiao bei’.

Chinese Nut-gallHerbs in the formula

Penetrating Vessel-Securing Decoction

Penetrating Vessel-Securing Decoction

Action:Boosts qi, fortifies spleen, and strengthens the chong mai to contain blood.
Indication:Gu Chong Tang is designed for the pattern of spleen and kidney deficiency with insecurity of the chong mai. Uterine bleeding may be profuse or it may routinely spot bleed in an irregular pattern. Profuse menstruation occurs with thin and pale menses, dizziness, cold extremities, palpitation, shortness of breath, mental fatigue, weakness, weak and aching waist and knees.
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