Smoked Plum

Smoked Plum
Smoked Plum
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Mume Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Smoked PlumMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Shandong.
Macroscopic Features
Sub-circular or sub-spherical shape, diameter is 1.5~3cm. Externally black or brownish-black, wrinkled unevenly, base has round fruit stem scar. Core is hard, oval, brownish-yellow, externally has indented dots. Seed is flat oval shape, pale yellow. faint odor, very sour taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, thick, soft and moist, very sour.
Sour, astringent, neutral
Astringes lung, astringes intestines, engenders fluid, calms worms. Apply to pulmondeficiency due to long term cough, lingering dysentery and diarrhea, asthenic fever and diabetes, vomiting and abdominal pain due to ascariasis, ascariasis of creeping figary tract.
Processed Form
Wu mei charcoal: Shaped similar to wu mei, skin and flesh are bulging, externally burnt-black. Sour and slightly bitter taste.
The dried nearly mature fruit of Prunus mume (Sieh.) Sieb. et Zucc.(Rosaceae). Harvested in summer when the fruit is nearly ripe, dried in low temperature and then covered until it turned black.

Smoked PlumHerbs in the formula

Mume Pill

Mume Pill

Action:Calms roundworms and relieves pain.
Indication:Wu Mei Wan is used for syncope due to roundworms. The symptoms include paroxysmal pain of the abdomen and stomach cavity, vexatious vomiting, vomiting after eating, vomiting roundworms, cold limbs, and chronic diarrhea or dysentery.
Nine Immortals Powder

Nine Immortals Powder

Action:Astringes the lung, relieves cough, boosts qi and nourishes yin.
Indication:Jiu Xian San is designed for a pattern of chronic cough caused by lung deficiency. The main symptoms include a chronic, unremitting cough that may be accompanied by labored breathing in severe cases, spontaneous sweating, scanty, sticky phlegm, and a deficient, rapid pulse.
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