Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit

Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit
Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Psoraleae Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Malaytea Scurfpea FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in Chinese provinces of Henan, Sichuan, Anhui.
Macroscopic Features
Fruit is flat round and kidney-shaped; one end relatively pointy, rare persistent calyx. Huai bu gu zhi is 4~5.5mm long, 2~4mm wide, 1mm thick; chuan bu gu zhi is relatively small. Externally blackish-brown or brown, with intricate net-like wrinkles. Relatively hard and brittle texture. After being broken, fruit skin and seed outer coat are tightly connected, the seed indented side has spotted hilum below the apex, chalaza at the other end, unobvious raphe. Outer skin is harder, inner is membranous, grayish-white; 2 cotyledons, thick, pale yellow to pale yellowish-brown, getting darker with prolonged storage. White material can be seen on both surfaces as small needle-like crystals when magnified. Embryo is extremely small. Connected petiole bases, with 5 breaches, grayish-yellow, hairy, with dense brown gland points. Distinctive aromatic odor; taste slightly acrid.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, full, black.
Acrid, bitter; warm.
Warms kidney, assists yang, promotes qi absorption, regulates gasping, warm spleen, relieves diarrhea. Deficiency of kidney yang, cold of low, cold pain of waist and knees, impotence and seminalemission, frequent urination, urine emission, loose qi due to kidney, deficiency and gasping, deficiency of spleen and kidney, chronicle diarrhea, vitiligo, alopecia areata, psoriasis.
The dried mature fruit of Psoralea corylifolia L.(Fabaceae)

Malaytea Scurfpea FruitHerbs in the formula

Four Spirits Pill

Four Spirits Pill

Action:Warms the spleen and kidney, consolidates the intestines and arrests diarrhea.
Indication:Si Shen Wan is used to treat kidney diarrhea due to yang deficiency of the spleen and kidney. Chief symptoms include fifth-watch (diarrhea at dawn) diarrhea, reluctance to eat or drink, poor digestion and absorption, chronic unremitting diarrhea, abdominal pain, lumbar pain, cold limbs, mental fatigue, and lack of strength. Usually, the tongue is pale with a white and thin coating. The pulse is deep, slow and weak.
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