Biod Magnolia Bud

Biod Magnolia Bud
Biod Magnolia Bud
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Magnoliae Flos
Chinese Name

Biod Magnolia BudMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Anhui, Henan, Hubei.
Macroscopic Features
Magnolia biondii Pamp.: Long oval shape similar to a calligraphy brush head, 1.2~2.5cm long, 0.8~1.5cm diameter. Base often has short stem, about 5mm long, with off-white spotted lenticels. 2~3 layers of bracts, 2 pieces each layer, small scale bud between ever two layers, outer surface of bract densely covered grayish-white or grayish-green hairs, inner surface is brownish, without hairs. 9 perianth, brownish, outer whorl has 3 perianths, strip-like, about 1/4 length of 2 inner whorls, calyx-like, 2 inner whorls have 6 perianths, 3 for each, wheel-like arranged. Stamen and pistil are numerous and arranged in a spiral. Light in weight, brittle texture. aromatic odor, acrid, cooling and slightly bitter taste. Magnolia denudate Desr.: 1.5~3cm long, 1~1.5cm diameter. Base has relatively thick and strong stem, pale brown lenticels. Outer surface of bracts is densely covered with grayish-white or grayish-green hairs. 9 perianths, same shape of inner and outer perianths. Magnolia sprengeri Pamp.: 2~4cm long, 1~2cm diameter. Thick and strong stem, reddish-brown lenticels. Outer surface of bract densely covered pale yellow or pale yellowish-green hairs, some outermost bract hairs have fallen off and have a black-brown color. 10~12~15 perianths, no obvious difference between inner and outer whorls.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has unopened flower bud, tight, intact, without stem, with potent aromatic odor.
Acrid, warm.
Dispels wind, opens nose. Apply to headache, persistent turbid nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, toothache.
Technical Terms
‘Brush head’: This refers to the elongated oval shape of xin yi and the fact that its surface is covered in long downy hairs, giving an appearance similar to the head of a calligraphy brush.
The dried flower bud of Magnolia biondii Pamp., Magnolia denudate Desr., Magnolia sprengeri Pamp.(Magnoliaceae)
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