Japanese Inula Flower

Japanese Inula Flower
Japanese Inula Flower
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Inulae Flos
Chinese Name

Japanese Inula FlowerMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the northeastern, northern, and northwestern areas of China, as well as Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Guangdong.
Macroscopic Features
Flat spherical or sub-spherical shape, 1~2cm diameter. involucres formed by numerous bracts, tile-like arrangement, lanceolate or strip-like bracts, grayish-yellow, 4~11mm long; base of involucres sometimes has remnants of flower petioles; the bracts and petiole surface are covered in white hairs; one row of lingulate flowers, yellow, about 1cm long, often rolled, often fall off, apex has 3 lobes; numerous tubular flowers are brownish-yellow, about 5mm long, apex has 5 teeth-lobes; ovary apex has numerous white tufts, 5~6mm long. Sometimes has a oval small achene. Light in weight, easily broken. faint odor, slightly bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has large flower, golden-yellow color, white tufts, without branches and stems.
Bitter, acrid, salty, slightly warm.
Downbears qi, eliminates phlegm, moves water, stops vomiting. Apply to wind-cold cough, phlegm and fluid stagnation, chest fullness and distention, cough and panting with excessive phlegm, vomiting and ructation, epigastric fullness and rigidity.
Processed Form
Honey xuan fu hua: Clean xuan fu hua, add refined honey and a little water, stir evenly, slightly covered, fry with slow fire until yellow, not sticky to hand, take out (every 100 jin of xuan fu hua need 25 jin of refined honey). Advanced in moistening lung and relieving cough.
The dried flower head of Inula japonica Thunb., Inula Britannica L.(Asteraceae)

Japanese Inula FlowerHerbs in the formula

Inula and Hematite Decoction

Inula and Hematite Decoction

Action:Directs counterflow downward, dissolves phlegm, boosts qi, and harmonizes the stomach.
Indication:Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang is indicated for weak stomach qi with internal obstruction of phlegm-turbidity. The symptoms are pi below the heart, belching, or vomiting with saliva. The tongue is pale with a white, glossy coating. The pulse is wiry and weak.
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