Java Brucea Fruit

Java Brucea Fruit
Java Brucea Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Bruceae Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Java Brucea FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan.
Macroscopic Features
Drupe is oval or elliptical shape, slightly flat, 0.6~1cm long, 4~7mm diameter, externally black, with raised reticular striations, apex has beak-like short and pointed remnants of style, both sides have relatively obvious crest line, base is blunt round, with indented spotted fruit stem scar, flesh easily falls off; fruit core is hard; inside surface is smooth grayish-brown after being broken, with one seed. Seed is oval shape, 4~7mm long, 3~5mm diameter, externally milky-white or yellowish-white, with slightly raised reticular striations, apex is short pointed and beak-like, long round hilum below apex, brown round chalaza near bottom, slightly raised raphe is between hilum and chalaza; seed coat is thin, endosperm and embryo are oily. faintly distinctive odor, extremely bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, full, with white kernel, oily.
Bitter, cold, little toxic.
Clears heat, stops diarrhea, interrupts malaria, corrode wart. Apply to diarrhea, malaria, externally used to warts, helosis.
Processed Form
Ya dan zi shuang: clean ya dan zi core, fry to heat and mash into powders, wrap with multiple layers of oil absorbing paper, press to remove the oil, repeat several time, until it become loose powders and not stick together in flake, take out and mash in small powders. Store in drying container, sealed ya dan zi shuang, dry in dark.
The dried mature fruit of Brucea javanica (L.) Merr.(Simaroubaceae)
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