Hindu Datura Flower

Hindu Datura Flower
Hindu Datura Flower
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Daturae Flos
Chinese Name

Hindu Datura FlowerMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Jiangsu, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian.
Macroscopic Features
Datura metel L.: Intact pieces are 9~15cm long, flower is bisexual, 5 lobes, lobe tip has a short point tip, lip-like shape, some are polyphyll; 5 stamens, all developed, insert between the corolla tubes; stele is rod-like. 2 carpels, 2 chambers; placentation axle, numerous ovules. Capsule fruit. Calyx is ringed-broken near the fruit, only the base remains. Datura innoxia Mill.: Intact piece is 9~11cm, corolla lobe tip is triangular, short tip between two corolla lobes, stele has a halberd-like shape.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has pale color.
Acrid, warm, toxic.
Calms convulsion, calms down, relieves pain, anaesthesia. The smoke when burning the flower has relatively strong effect of calming panting.
The dried flower of Datura metel L., Datura inoxia Mill.(Solanaceae). The first is also called ‘south yang jin hua’, the second is also called ‘north yang jin hua’.
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