Emblic Leafflower Fruit

Emblic Leafflower Fruit
Emblic Leafflower Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Phyllanthi Fructus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Emblic Leafflower FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Fujian.
Macroscopic Features
Spherical or flat spherical, 1.2~2cm in diameter. Externally brown to black-green, with shallow yellow granular protrusions, with wrinkles and 6 faint ridges, fruit stem is about 1mm long. Exocarp is 1~4mm thick, hard and brittle texture. Endocarp is yellowish-white, hard core, exterior has 6 ridges, numerous veins on the upper portion of the back seam line, when dry it can crack to form six sections. 6 seeds, nearly triangular, brown. faint odor, sour and astringent taste, with a sweet aftertaste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is full, dry, without fruit stem.
Sweet, sour, astringent, slightly cold.
Clears heat, cools blood, disperses food, fortifies stomach, engenders fluid, stops cough. Apply to heat in blood and blood stasis, dyspepsia, abdominal distension, cough, laryngalgia, dry mouth.
The dried mature fruit of Phyllanthus emblica L.(Euphorbiaceae)
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