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PyriteMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Guangdong.
Macroscopic Features
Often hexahedron, granular diameter is 0.2~2.5cm, with ridges, bright pale yellow; streak mark is greenish-black or brownish-red. Externally smooth, sometimes can see thin lines. Opaque, with metallic luster. Heavy in weight, hard and brittle texture, easily crushed, fractured surface is yellowish-white, with metallic luster. faint odor, bland taste, produces a sulfur smell when burnt.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has intact lumps, yellow and bright color, metallic lustrous fractured surface.
Acrid, neutral
Disperses stasis, joins bone, relieves pain. Apply to pain and swelling from injury, fractured sinew and bone. Often processed in pill and powder, mash into powder to apply.
Processed Form
Vinegar zi ran tong: clean zi ran tong, pound into small pieces, put over non-smoking fire or into appropriate container, use fast fire to heat until dark red, take out and soak into vinegar, repeat several times until it turns black-brown, external luster disappeared and loose, take out and cool. Every 100kg zirantong need 30kg vinegar. After calcined, texture is brittle, easily crush and boil, meanwhile promote the effect of dispersing stasis and relieving pain.
The sulfide mineral pyrite, primarily composed of FeS2.
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