Asiatic Plantain Herb

Asiatic Plantain Herb
Asiatic Plantain Herb
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Plantaginis Herba
Chinese Name
Whole herbs

Asiatic Plantain HerbMore Info

Production Regions
Produced all around China.
Macroscopic Features
Plantago depressa Willd: Root grows thickly, whisker-like; leaf base has long petiole; leaf is wrinkled, after being flattened, it has a long elliptical or oval lanceolate shape, 6~13cm long, 2.5~8cm wide. Externally grayish-green or dirty green, with 5~7 obvious curved veins; apex is blunt or pointy short, base is wide wedge-shape; entire or irregular wavy serrulate leaf. Numerous flower spikes, long floral axis; capsules are cracked, persistent calyx remains. faintly aromatic odor; slightly bitter taste. Plantago asiatica L: Straight long tap root. Leaf is relatively narrow, long elliptical or oval lanceolate shape, 5~14cm long, 2~3cm wide.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is intact leaves and a grayish-green color.
Sweet, tasteless; slightly cold.
Clears heat, promotes urination, percolates dampness, stops diarrhea, brightens the eyes, dispels phlegm. Apply to difficulty in micturition, whitish and turbid urine, edema fullness, leukorrhea, conjunctival congestion and eye screens, cough and panting due to heat and phlegm.
The dried whole herb of Plantago depressa Willd.or Plantago asiatica L. (Plantaginaceae).
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