Rice Bean

Rice Bean
Rice Bean
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Vignae Semen
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Rice BeanMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Zhejiang.
Macroscopic Features
Slightly cylindrical and flat. 5~7cm long, about 3mm diameter. Externally reddish-brown or purple-brown, smooth and lustrous; linear white hilum taken 2/3 of the whole, center indented to a longitudinal groove skewed to one end, back has one unobvious crest. Hard texture, difficult to break; peeled seed coat, two white cotyledons can be seen. faint odor; slightly bean-like flavor when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has full pieces that have a dark purple-red color.
Sweet, sour; neutral.
Disinhibits water, eliminates moisture, neutralizes blood, expels pus, disperses swelling, resolves toxin. Apply to edema, beriberi, jaundice, diarrhea, hematochezia, and swelling carbuncles.
The dried mature seed of Phaseolus calcaratus Roxb. (Fabaceae).

Rice BeanHerbs in the formula

Melon Stalk Powder

Melon Stalk Powder

Action:Induces vomiting of phlegm or stagnant food.
Indication:Gua Di San is indicated for pattern of phlegm-drool retained or food stagnation in the chest and stomach cavity. The symptoms are chest or epigastric distention and hardness, feeling of vexation, feeling the need to vomit but cannot, a feeling of qi rising to the throat that causes difficult breathing, and a pulse that is slightly floating at the cun position.
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