Chinese Cera

Chinese Cera
Chinese Cera
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Cera Chinensis
Chinese Name
Zoological substances

Chinese CeraMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan.
Macroscopic Features
Intact pieces mostly are spherical thick lumps, often broken into irregular lumps of uneven size. Externally white or slightly yellow, opaque or slightly transparent. Surface is flat or slightly wrinkled, lustrous, creamy when touched. Light, able to float on water; hard but brittle texture, crushes when kneaded. Fractured surface is not flat, with needle crystals or small granules, and glass-like luster. faint special odor; tasteless, sand-like when chewed. Not soluble in water, ether or chloroform; soluble in benzene and petroleum ether. Melting point is 80~83℃.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is white, hard, lacks air bubbles or oily odor.
Sweet; warm.
Stops blood, engenders flesh, relieves pain. Apply to bleeding of incised-wound, hematuria, hematockezia, non-healing sores, and chancre.
The wax secreted by male insects of Ericerus pela (Chavannes) Guerin that cluster on the plants Fraxinus chinensis Roxb., Ligustrum lucidum Ait and its related species from the same genus (Coccoidea).
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