Indigowoad Leaf

Indigowoad Leaf
Indigowoad Leaf
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Isatidis Folium
Chinese Name

Indigowoad LeafMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Hebei, Shaanxi.
Macroscopic Features
Wrinkled into lumps, sometimes mashed, grayish-green or yellowish-brown. Intact leaf is long elliptical to oval-oblanceolate, 4~11cm long, 1~3cm wide, entire leaf margin or slightly waved; apex is blunt and round, base is gradually narrowed to the petiole, appearing wing-like, some with raised spots on the upper surface and obvious middle vein on the lower surface. Leaf stem is 5~7cm long, ventral surface is slightly indented. Brittle and easily broken texture; faint odor; slightly bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has large leaves without leaf stem, dark grayish-green.
Bitter; cold.
Clear heat, resolves toxin, cools blood, stops bleeding. Apply to pyrexia and dipsesis due to pyreticosis, flu, acute infectious hepatitis, bacillary diarrhea, acute gastroenteritis, acute pneumonia, erysipelas, hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, jaundice, dysentery, throat impediment, sore mouth, ulcer and swollen toxin.
The dried leaves of Isatis indigotica Fort. (Brassicaceae).
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