
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Sargentodexae Caulis
Chinese Name
Stems and woods

SargenrgloryvineMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Hubei, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Henan.
Macroscopic Features
Stem is cylindrical, slightly curved, often cut into 30cm segments, 1~3cm diameter. Externally brown or grayish-brown, rough, with shallow longitudinal grooves and obvious horizontal cracks, sometimes with enlarged nodes and slightly indented scars of twig and leaf stem; cork often scaly and falls off, leaving an obvious dark red color where it falls off. Firm and pliable texture, flexible, fractured surface is splintery; smooth transverse section, xylem is yellowish-white, ducts are thin holes, rays are brownish-red and radially arranged. Distinctive aromatic odor; tasteless and slightly astringent taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has even pieces and thick stems.
Bitter; neutral
Defeat toxin, eliminates carbuncle, boosts blood, vents channels, disperses wind, kills worm. Apply to acute and chronic appendicitis, wind-damp impediment, red diarrhea, bloody stranguria, irregular menstruation, anemia, pain due to worm, traumatic injury.
The dried vine of Sargentodoxa cuneata (Oliv.) Rehd. et Wils.(Lardizabalaceae).
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