Spreading Hedyotis Herb

Spreading Hedyotis Herb
Spreading Hedyotis Herb
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Hedyotidis Herba
Chinese Name
Whole herbs

Spreading Hedyotis HerbMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese area south of the Yangtze River.
Macroscopic Features
The whole herb is tangled into clumps. Externally grayish-green or grayish-brown. Tap root is thin and long, about 2mm thick; rootlets are thin and fibrous, pale grayish-brown. Stems are thin, curly, brittle-texture and easily broken; center has white pith. Leaves are shrunken, broken and easily fallen; stipules are 1~2mm long. Flowers and fruit are singular or grow in pairs on angles of the stem; flowers have short and slightly thick flower stem. Capsule is a flat spherical shape, 2~2.5mm diameter; divided ventricles; calyx persistent with 4 cleavages, with short stinging hairs on the edge. faint odor; taste bland.
Quality Requirements
Superior grades have intact stems and leaves, a grayish-green color and full fruits.
Bitter, tasteless; cold.
Clearing heat, detoxifying, reducing pains, removing stasis, inducing urination and eliminating moisture. Apply to variable inflammations.
The dried whole her of Oldenlandia diffusa (Whild.) Roxb. (Rubiaceae).
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