Whitefruit Amomim Fruit

Whitefruit Amomim Fruit
Whitefruit Amomim Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Amomi Fructus Rotundus
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Whitefruit Amomim FruitMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in Thailand, Cambodia, and Myanmar.
Macroscopic Features
Seed is semi-spherical or oval, with 3 obvious blunt ridges and 3 shallow grooves, 1.5~3cm long, 1.5~3cm diameter; externally grayish-brown or yellowish-brown; center has a yellowish-white or pale brown membrane cut into 3 chambers, each has 22-90 seeds (~110), difficult to scatter. Cotyledon is oval polyhedron, 3~5mm, 2.5~3mm diameter, back surface is slightly raised, relatively thick end has round indented hilum, chalaza is at the indented center on the relatively flat end, front side has one longitudinal groove; pale brown raphe connected with chalaza along the longitudinal groove, another longitudinal groove extends from the chalaza to back side, not reaching the hilum. Hard texture; fractured surface is milky-white. Aromatic odor; acrid and spicy taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, full, firm with a potent aromatic odor.
Acrid; warm.
Transforms dampness, disperses of local distention, moves qi, warms the center, opens stomach, disperses food. Apply to retention of damp leading to blockage of middle, anorexia, onset of damp thermosis, and fullness due to chest distress, gastrofrigid vomiting, chest and abdominal swelling pain, indigestion.
The dried mature fruit of Amomum kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep.(Zingiberaceae).

Whitefruit Amomim FruitHerbs in the formula

Sweet Dew Toxin-Removing Elixir

Sweet Dew Toxin-Removing Elixir

Action:Drains dampness and removes turbidity, clears heat and resolves toxins.
Indication:Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan is indicated for damp-warmth and seasonal epidemic. It is a pattern with equal dampness and heat pathogens in the qi level. The symptoms are fever and fatigue, chest distress and abdominal distension, aching pain of limbs, throat pain, yellow skin and eyes, maxillofacial swelling, thirst, scanty and dark urine, diarrhea, and turbid strangury. The tongue coating may be either white, thick and greasy or yellow and dry. The pulse is either soggy and rapid or slippery and rapid.
Three Kernels Decoction

Three Kernels Decoction

Action:Disperses and diffuses qi movement, clears and removes damp-heat.
Indication:San Ren Tang is indicated for the pattern of more dampness than heat in the early stage of damp-warmth and summerheat-warmth with dampness. The symptoms are headache, aversion to cold, heavy body, general pain, fatigue, a light yellow complexion, chest distress without hunger, afternoon fever, and no thirst. The tongue coating is white and the pulse is wiry, thin, and soggy.
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