True Warrior Decoction

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True Warrior Decoction
ChiefFu Zi
    • acrid and sweet in taste and hot in nature
    • warms the kidney and assists yang to move qi and transform water
    • warms and activates the spleen to transport water and dampness
DeputyFu Ling
    • promotes urination and percolates dampness
    • guides water out via urine
DeputyBai Zhu
    • fortifies the spleen and dries dampness
AssistantSheng Jiang
    • acrid and dispersing
    • assists fu zi to warm yang and dissipate cold
    • combines fu ling and bai zhu to diffuse and disperse water and dampness
AssistantBai Zhu
    • promotes urination to move qi and water
    • softens the liver to relieve spasm and cramps
    • astringes yin and relaxes the sinews to release muscular twitching
    • prevents consumption of yin by fu zi so this formula can be taken for a long time

True Warrior DecoctionPrescription Information

True Warrior Decoction
Chinese Name



Dampclearing formulas

Poria (Fu Ling) 3 liang (9g), Paeoniae Radix Alba (Shao Yao) 3 liang (9g), Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (Bai Zhu) 2 liang (6g), Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens (Sheng Jiang) 3 liang (9g), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata (Fu Zi) 1 piece (9g)
Prepare as a decoction and drink while it is warm.
Warms yang and promotes urination.
Zhen Wu Tang is indicated for edema due to yang deficiency. The symptoms are fear of cold, cold limbs, urination disturbance, palpitations under the heart, dizziness, muscular twitching, unsteady standing, pain and heaviness of four limbs, edema especially below the waist, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cough, asthma, vomiting and nausea. The tongue is pale and enlarged with teeth-marks with white and glossy coating, and the pulse is deep and thready.
Zhen Wu Tang is the fundamental formula used to treat an overflow of water-dampness caused by deficiency of spleen-kidney yang. The spleen restricts water and the kidney governs water. Spleen yang deficiency leads to dysfunction of the transformation and transportation of water, while kidney yang deficiency leads to the dysfunction of dispersion and distribution of water. Both lead to water retention in the interior. Kidney yang deficiency leads to cold-water retention in the interior with urination disturbance. Furthermore, water-dampness spills over and diffuses into the limbs to cause heaviness and pain of the limbs and swelling of the body and limbs. Water-dampness pours downward into the bowels to cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. It rushes up to the lung and stomach to cause coughing and vomiting and when it invades the heart there are palpitations. Water-dampness blocks the middle jiao which inhibits the clear yang from rising and causes dizziness. If there is too much sweat loss that occurs when inducing sweat-promotion in a taiyang syndrome, yin and yang might be consumed. The result is a loss of warmth and fluid invasion into the muscles and tendons causing muscular twitching and unsteadiness while standing. For water overflowing due to yang deficiency, the therapeutic methods are to warm yang and promote urination.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Zhen Wu Tang is the basic formula used to warm yang and promote urination. This clinical pattern is marked by urination disturbance, heaviness or swelling of body and limbs, pale and enlarged tongue, white coating, deep pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of spleen-kidney yang deficiency with retention of water-dampness: chronic glomerulonephritis, cardiac edema, hypothyroidism, chronic bronchitis, chronic enteritis, and tuberculosis of the intestines.
Additonal formulae
Fu Zi Tang (Aconite Decoction 附子湯)
《Treatise on Cold Damage》Shang Han Lun《傷寒論》

True Warrior DecoctionFormulation composition herbal medicine

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