Bone-Clearing Powder

Bone-Clearing PowderFormula Image

Bone-Clearing Powder
ChiefYin Chai Hu
    • clears heat and cools the blood
    • relieves fever and relieves steaming bone fever
DeputyZhi Mu
    • nourishes yin and drains fire
DeputyHu Huang Lian
    • clear deficiency-heat
DeputyDi Gu Pi
    • clear deficiency-heat
AssistantQin Jiao
    • clear deficiency-heat and vent latent heat
AssistantQing Hao
    • clear deficiency-heat and vent latent heat
AssistantBie Jia
    • enriches yin and subdues yang
    • directs other medicinals to the yin level
EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes the actions of all the medicinals in the formula
    • prevents bitter-cold medicinals from damaging the stomach

Bone-Clearing PowderPrescription Information

Bone-Clearing Powder
Chinese Name



Heat-clearing formulas

Stellariae Radix (Yin Chai Hu) 1.5 qian (5g), Picrorhizae Rhizoma (Hu Huang Lian) 1 qian (3g), Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix (Qin Jiao) 1 qian (3g), Trionycis Carapax (Bie Jia vinegar-fried) 1 qian (3g), Lycii Cortex (Di Gu Pi) 1 qian (3g), Artemisiae Annuae Herba (Qing Hao) 1 qian (3g), Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (Zhi Mu) 1 qian (3g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao) 5 fen (2g)
Decoct one dose of the formula with 2 zhan of water, and boil it until the volume reduces to 80%. Take the decoction after meals. (Modern use: use water to decoct the medicinals.)
Clears deficiency-heat and relieves steaming bone fever.
This formula is indicated for deficiency of the liver and kidney yin, and deficiency-heat harassing the interior. The symptoms are steaming bone fever, prolonged low-grade fever, emaciation, red lips and cheeks, fatigue and night sweat, thirst and vexation, a red tongue with a scanty coating, and a thready, rapid pulse.
This is a pattern of liver and kidney yin deficiency, and deficiency-heat harassing the interior. Yin deficiency generates interior heat, and deficiency-heat steams up causing steaming bone fever, thirst and vexation, and red lips and cheeks. The deficiency-heat forces fluids to move outward, which causes night sweating. Deficient yin fails to nourish flesh and skin, causing emaciation over time; the red tongue with scant coating and thready rapid pulse are signs of yin deficiency and interior heat. The key of this pattern is deficiency-heat, as the deficiency-heat consumes yin, and yin deficiency enhances the power of heat. Therefore, the therapeutic method should be primarily clearing deficiency-heat, and nourishing yin as supplementary.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Qing Gu San is a commonly used formula used to treat steaming bone fever and consumptive heat. This clinical pattern is marked by steaming bone fever, emaciation, night sweat, red tongue body with scanty coating, thready, rapid pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of steaming bone fever caused by yin deficiency and interior heat: tuberculosis and other chronic wasting diseases.
Additonal formulae
Qin Jiao Bie Jia San (Gentian and Turtle Shell Powder, 秦艽鱉甲散)
Chinese soft-shelled turtle ( Trionyx sinensis / Pelodiscus sinensis ) is listed as "Vulnerable" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is protected by Hong Kong Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170).
《Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment》Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng《證治準繩》

Bone-Clearing PowderFormulation composition herbal medicine

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