HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasEphedra, Aconite and Asarum Decoction

Ephedra, Aconite and Asarum Decoction

Ephedra, Aconite and Asarum DecoctionFormula Image

Ephedra, Aconite and Asarum Decoction
ChiefMa Huang
    • releases the exterior
    • diffuses the lung
Ma huang and fu zi are a common combination used to assist yang and release the exterior.
DeputyFu Zi
    • warms the kidney
    • assists yang
Ma huang and fu zi are a common combination used to assist yang and release the exterior.
AssistantXi Xin
    • dispels wind and dissipates cold
    • warms the interior
Xi xin assists ma huang to release the exterior and assists fu zi to warm yang.

Ephedra, Aconite and Asarum DecoctionPrescription Information

Ephedra, Aconite and Asarum Decoction
Chinese Name



Exterior-releasing formulas

Ephedrae Herba (Ma Huang) 2 liang (6g), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata (Fu Zi pao) 1 whole piece broken into 8 pieces (9g), Asari Radix et Rhizoma (Xi Xin) 2 liang (3g)
Prepare it as a decoction. The decoction should be taken warm.
Assists yang to release the exterior.
1. This formula is indicated for patterns of yang-deficiency with externally contracted wind-cold. Signs and symptoms include fever, severe aversion to cold that does not improve even with thick layer of clothes and a quilt, lassitude, lethargy, and a deep and tiny pulse.
This formula is used for patterns of external wind-cold in a person with a yang-deficient constitution. Symptoms caused by exterior wind-cold pathogens struggling with zheng qi are fever and severe aversion to cold that are not resolved even when the patient is wearing a thick layer of clothes or a quilt. The deep and forceless pulse, lassitude, and lethargy are evidence of yang deficiency. Therefore, the treatment needs to simultaneously assist yang and release the exterior.
1. About the combination of ma huang and fu zi
1. Essential pattern differentiation This is both a delegate and fundamental formula indicated for the pattern of shaoyin yang deficiency with externally contracted wind-cold. It is commonly used to treat sore throat and harsh voice caused by a pattern of extreme cold attacking and residing in the lung and the kidney. This clinical pattern is marked by severe aversion to cold, low fever, lassitude and lethargy, and deep pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of a pattern of externally contracted pathogens in a yang-deficient constitution: common cold, flu, bronchitis, sick sinus syndrome, rheumatic arthritis, allergic rhinitis, sudden blindness, sudden aphonia, laryngitis, and skin pruritus. 3. Cautions and contraindications If there is shaoyin yang deficiency with signs such as watery diarrhea containing indigested food, extremely cold limbs, and a feeble impalpable pulse, we must follow the principle of “warming the interior prior to fighting the exterior” addressed by Zhang Zhong-jing. If the sweat-inducing method was to be mistakenly used in this situation, it would lead to yang collapse. Therefore, we have to take extra precaution.
Additonal formulae
1. Ma Huang Fu Zi Gan Cao Tang (Ephedra, Aconite and Licorice Decoction, 麻黃附子甘草湯)
《Treatise on Cold Damage》Shang Han Lun《傷寒論》

Ephedra, Aconite and Asarum DecoctionFormulation composition herbal medicine

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