Phlegm-Removing Pill

Phlegm-Removing PillFormula Image

Phlegm-Removing Pill
ChiefMeng Shi
    • softens hard masses
    • lowers qi and expels phlegm
    • calms the liver and suppresses fright
Key medicinal to treat obstinate phlegm.
DeputyDa Huang
    • clears the excess heat
    • offers a way to eliminate phlegm-fire through laxation
AssistantHuang Qin
    • clears fire to eliminate the cause of the phlegm production
AssistantChen Xiang
    • directs counterflow qi downward
Indicates that treating phlegm must start up with moving qi.

Phlegm-Removing PillPrescription Information

Phlegm-Removing Pill
Chinese Name



Phlegm-expelling formulas

Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (Da Huang) 8 liang (240g), Scutellariae Radix (Huang Qin) 8 liang (240g), Chlorite-schist (Meng Shi; calcined with Natrii Sulfas) 1 liang (30g), Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum (Chen Xiang) 0.5 liang (15g)
Grind the above medicinals into a thin powder and then form into small pills using water. Take 8-9g each time, once or twice a day with warm water.
Drains heat and expels phlegm.
Gun Tan Wan is used to treat patterns of excess heat and obstinate phlegm. Such patterns manifest many symptoms including mania and palpitations due to fright, severe palpitations and fainting, coughing and panting while expectorating thick phlegm, vertigo and tinnitus, nodules around the neck, wriggling of the mouth and eyes, insomnia or strange dreams, sudden pain of the joints, vexation and stuffiness due to sighing and choking, and constipation. The tongue coating is yellow and thick and the pulse is slippery, rapid and powerful.
Many strange or weird patterns are due to long term accumulation of excess heat and obstinate phlegm. When they obstruct the brain, mania and fainting occur. When they are harassing the heart-spirit, palpitations with or without fright, insomnia and strange dreaming occurs. When they accumulate in the lung, coughing with thick phlegm occurs. When they block the qi movement, fullness and oppression of chest and stomach occurs. When phlegm-fire stirs upward and clear yang fails to rise, vertigo and tinnitus occur. When fire and phlegm bind with each other in the intestines, constipation occurs. The tongue and pulse manifestation are signs of excess fire and obstinate phlegm. The treatment principle is to subdue fire and expel phlegm.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Gun Tan Wan is a representative formula used for excess heat and obstinate phlegm. This clinical pattern is marked by palpitations due to fright, dry stool, yellow, thick and greasy tongue coating, slippery, rapid and forceful pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula is often used to treat wind-strike, schizophrenia, epilepsy, migraine, and neurosis caused by the pattern of excess fire binding with obstinate phlegm. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is not applicable to weak people or pregnant woman for fear that it may be too drastic and will impair the vital qi.
《Tai Ding’s Main Treatise on Health Cultivation》Tai Ding Yang Sheng Lun《泰定養生主論》recorded in《Detailed Explanation of the Jade Pivot》Yu Ji Wei Yi《玉機細微義》

Phlegm-Removing PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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