Sour Jujube Decoction

Sour Jujube DecoctionFormula Image

Sour Jujube Decoction
ChiefSuan Zao Ren
    • nourishes blood and supplements the liver
    • calms the heart and the spirit
DeputyFu Ling
    • calms the heart and the spirit
DeputyZhi Mu
    • enriches yin and moistens dryness
    • clears heat to relieve vexation
AssistantChuan Xiong
    • rectifies liver blood and soothes liver qi
    • supplements and activates blood when used in combination with suan zao ren
The acrid flavor disperses and the sour flavor astringes which together nourishes the blood and rec tifies the liver
EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes the center and relieves spasms
    • harmonizes the other medicinals

Sour Jujube DecoctionPrescription Information

Sour Jujube Decoction
Chinese Name



Sedative and tranquilizing formulas

Ziziphi Spinosae Semen (Suan Zao Ren) 2 sheng (15g), Chuanxiong Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong) 2 liang (6g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao) 1 liang (3g), Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (Zhi Mu) 2 liang (6g), Poria (Fu Ling) 2 liang (6g)
Prepare as a decoction, consume while it is warm.
Nourishes blood and calms the mind, clears heat and relieves vexation.
Suan Zao Ren Tang is indicated for deficiency of liver-blood with internal deficiency heat. The symptoms are vexation, insomnia, palpitations, restlessness, dizziness, dry throat, dry mouth, a red tongue, and a wiry, thin pulse.
This pattern is caused by excessive heart fire consuming yin-blood. Excessive fire of the heart disturbs the heart and spirit. Meanwhile, deficiency of yin-blood fails to nourish the heart and spirit manifesting insomnia, profuse dreaming, palpitations, and vexation. A red tongue and rapid, thin pulse are signs of excessive heart fire and deficiency of yin-blood. The therapeutic principle is to reduce excessive fire and supplement yin-blood to calm the mind.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Suan Zao Ren Tang serves as a common formula used in patterns of vexation and insomnia due to blood deficiency of the heart and liver. This clinical pattern is marked by vexation, insomnia, dry throat and mouth, red tongue, wiry, thin pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of blood deficiency of the heart and liver with internal deficiency: neurasthenia, heart neurosis, and menopausal syndrome.
Additonal formulae
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (Licorice, Wheat and Jujube Decoction 甘麥大棗湯)
《Essentials from the Golden Cabinet》Jin Gui Yao Lue《金匱要略》

Sour Jujube DecoctionFormulation composition herbal medicine

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