HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasTortoise Shell and Deer Horn Two Immortals Glue

Tortoise Shell and Deer Horn Two Immortals Glue

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Tortoise Shell and Deer Horn Two Immortals Glue
ChiefLu Jiao Jiao
    • warms kidney yang
    • supplements essence and blood
Drastically supplement yin and yang to promote generation of essence and blood.
ChiefGui Ban Jiao
    • supplements essence and boosts the marrow
    • nourishes yin blood
Drastically supplement yin and yang to promote generation of essence and blood.
DeputyGou Qi
    • supplements the kidney and essence
Assists gui ban jiao to nourish yin.
DeputyRen Shen
    • powerfully supplements original qi
Assists lu jiao jiao to warm and supplement yang qi to promote the process of qi and blood production.

Tortoise Shell and Deer Horn Two Immortals GluePrescription Information

Tortoise Shell and Deer Horn Two Immortals Glue
Chinese Name



Tonic formulas

Cervi Cornu (Lu Jiao) 10 jin (5000g), Testudinis Plastrum (Gui Ban) 5 jin (2500g), Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma (Ren Shen) 15 liang (450g), Lycii Fructus (Gou Qi Zi) 30 liang (900g)
Put the lu jiao, gui ban, and ren shen into a separate bag, place it into a lead jar, and then soak it in flowing water for three days. If a lead jar is not available, please place a large piece of lead under the container that will be used. After three days, seal the container with yellow wax and then put the container in a big pot and boil for seven days and nights. To prevent the two medicinals from being boiled away, remember to add water once a day into the lead jar, five times every twenty-four hours. Remove the lu jiao and gui ban when they become crisp. Divide the dregs, named lu jiao shuang and guī jia shuang and the clear juice for separate storage. Boil the ren shen and gou qi in a cuprum pan with thirty-six bowls of water until there is no water visible. Wrap the two medicinals with a piece of new cloth and twist it until the juice is collected. Put the dregs back to the pot and boil them again with twenty-four bowls of water. Repeat this process three times until the dregs become tasteless. Mix the juice of lu jiao and gui ban with that of ren shen and gou qi and boil them with gentle fire until it thickens into a jelly-like substance. It is suggested to take it with wine on an empty stomach. The initial dosage is 1.5 qian (4.5g). After ten days, the dosage can be increased to 6g (1.5g more). Following this measure, the dosage can be increased gradually until it reaches 3 qian (9g). Thereafter, the 9g dose can be maintained and taken for a long time. (Modern preparation: Put all the four ingredients into a lead jar and decoct them together until the jelly is obtained. It is suggested to take the jelly with wine starting from 4.5g, and gradually increasing it up to 9g, on an empty stomach.)
Enriches yin and supplements essence, boosts qi and strengthens yang.
Gui Lu er Xian Jiao is applicable for patterns of kidney yin and yang deficiency with essence and blood insufficiency. The clinical symptoms are marked by emaciation, impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility, dim-vision, and aching and weakness of waist and knees.
The pathogenesis of the corresponding pattern is insufficiency of kidney yin essence and kidney yang. The kidney essence can be consumed either from congenital reasons or from depletion of the acquired diseases as qi and blood are generated by the spleen and stomach, and blood and essence are stored and nourished by the kidney and liver. The root of the disease lies in the kidney, which then affects the body’s yin, yang, qi and blood, so the symptoms mainly stem from the disorder of the kidney system. The treatment should be to supplement essence and boost marrow, supplement qi and blood, yin and yang at the same time.
1. Essential pattern differentiation This formula supplements yin and yang, qi and blood, kidney and liver, spleen and stomach at the same time. This clinical pattern is marked by aching and weakness of waist and knees, dim-sighted, impotence, spermatorrhea. 2. Modern applications Gui Lu er Xian Jiao is currently used to treat maldevelopment caused by dysendocrinia, severe anemia, neuradynamia and hypogonadism when the pattern is differentiated as yin and yang deficiency according to traditional Chinese medicine. 3. Cautions and contraindications This is a pure supplementing formula and is not appropriate for those with a weak spleen-stomach system causing poor appetite, loose stools, and so on. However, it can be taken together with Si Jun Zi Tang in order to boost the digestion.
Additonal formulae
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan (Seven Treasures Beard-Blackening Elixir 七寶美髯丹)
1. Reeves' Terrapin ( Chinemys reevesii / Mauremys reevesii ) is listed as "Endangered" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix III. Its trade is regional control and subject to permits or certificates of origin. 2. Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II. Its trade is allowed but subject to licensing controls.
《Doctor’s Memo》Yi Bian《醫便》

Tortoise Shell and Deer Horn Two Immortals GlueFormulation composition herbal medicine

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