HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasImmature Bitter Orange Stagnation-Moving Pill

Immature Bitter Orange Stagnation-Moving Pill

Immature Bitter Orange Stagnation-Moving PillFormula Image

Immature Bitter Orange Stagnation-Moving Pill
ChiefDa Huang
    • expels accumulation
    • discharges heat
Drains and discharges constrained heat through the stool, an application of the therapeutic method “treating the flowing by promoting its flow”.
DeputyZhi Shi
    • moves qi
    • resolves stagnation
Removes distension and fullness of the abdomen and stomach cavity.
AssistantHuang Qin
    • clear heat and dry dampness
    • regulate the intestines
    • arrest dysentery
Remove dampness and clears heat.
AssistantHuang Lian
    • clear heat and dry dampness
    • regulate the intestines
    • arrest dysentery
Remove dampness and clears heat.
AssistantFu Ling
    • promote urination
    • regulate water and drain dampness to arrest diarrhea
Remove dampness and clears heat.
AssistantZe Xie
    • promote urination
    • regulate water and drain dampness to arrest diarrhea
Remove dampness and clears heat.
AssistantShen Qu
    • promotes digestion
    • fortifies the spleen
Prevents the reoccurrence of food accumulation.
AssistantBai Zhu
    • fortifies the spleen
    • dries dampness
Prevents the consumption of zheng qi and impairment of the stomach by the bitter and cold medicinals.

Immature Bitter Orange Stagnation-Moving PillPrescription Information

Immature Bitter Orange Stagnation-Moving Pill
Chinese Name



Digestive formulas

Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (Da Huang) 1 liang (30g), Aurantii Fructus Immaturus (Zhi Shi) 5 qian (15g), Medicata Massa Fermentata (Shen Qu) 5 qian (15g), Poria (Fu Ling) 3 qian (9g), Scutellariae Radix (Huang Qin) 3 qian (9g), Coptidis Rhizoma (Huang Lian) 3 qian (9g), Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (Bai Zhu) 3 qian (9g), Alismatis Rhizoma (Ze Xie) 2 qian (6g)
Grind the medicinals into a fine power and prepare as pills. Take 6-9g with warm water twice daily after meals. It can also be prepared as a decoction by adjusting the medicinal quantities based on the original ratio.
Promotes digestion, removes stagnation, clears heat, and removes dampness.
Food accumulation with damp-heat, marked by distending pain of the abdomen and stomach cavity, diarrhea, constipation, dark, scanty urine, a greasy yellow tongue coating, and a deep, forceful pulse.
This pattern is caused by an accumulation of both damp-heat and food. Food accumulation may induce damp-heat or there may be a pre-existing pattern of damp-heat that combines with food accumulation. When qi movement is blocked by internal stagnation, distension and pain of the abdomen and stomach cavity is the result. Damp-heat enters the large intestine to cause diarrhea. If heat obstructs qi movement there may be constipation. Dark urine, a greasy, yellow tongue coating, and a deep and forceful pulse are all signs that indicate damp-heat. The therapeutic principle is to promote digestion, remove accumulation, clear heat and remove dampness.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan serves as the most common formula applied for food accumulation with damp-heat blocking the stomach and intestine. This clinical pattern is marked by distention and fullness of the abdomen and stomach, abnormal defection, greasy, yellow tongue coating, deep and forceful pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of food accumulation with damp-heat: gastrointestinal dysfunction, bacillary dysentery, enteritis, and dyspepsia. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is prohibited for chronic dysentery and diarrhea with deficiency if there is no accumulation, and for pregnant women.
Additonal formulae
Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan (Costus Root and Areca Pill 木香檳榔丸)
《Clarifying Doubts about Damage from Internal and External Causes》Nei Wai Shang Bian Huo Lun《內外傷辨惑論》

Immature Bitter Orange Stagnation-Moving PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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