HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasRhubarb and Aconite Decoction

Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction

Rhubarb and Aconite DecoctionFormula Image

Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction
ChiefFu Zi
    • warms the interior and expels cold
    • relieves pain due to cold coagulation in the abdomen and rib-side
Warming the interior is combined with promoting defecation.
This combination is the foundation for warming purgation.
ChiefDa Huang
    • promotes defecation
    • clears up stagnation and accumulation
Warming the interior is combined with promoting defecation.
This combination is the foundation for warming purgation.
DeputyXi Xin
    • warms channels and expels cold to stop pain
    • assists fu zi to warm the interior and expel cold
Common combination when there is cold pathogen hiding in yin level.

Rhubarb and Aconite DecoctionPrescription Information

Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction
Chinese Name



Purgative formulas

Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (Da Huang) 3 liang (9g), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata (Pao Fu Zi) 3 pieces (12g), Asari Radix et Rhizoma (Xi Xin) 2 liang (3g)
Prepare it as a decoction.
Warms the interior, dissipates cold, promotes defecation, and relieves pain.
This formula is designed for an excess pattern of cold stagnation in the interior. The symptoms are abdominal pain, constipation, rib-side pain, fever, reversal cold of the hands and feet, a white and greasy tongue coating, and a wiry, tight pulse.
This is an excessive pattern caused by yin cold and stagnation blocking the intestines. The interior excess yin cold prevents yang qi from warming and flowing freely, which causes qi and blood to become blocked. The symptoms include abdominal pain and reversal cold of the limbs; and when cold accumulation blocks the qi of the intestines, there is constipation. The white, greasy tongue coating and wiry, tight pulse are also evidence of excess cold. Warming the interior, dissipating cold, promoting defecation, and expelling accumulation treat the interior excess cold accumulation.
Why is da huang, a medicinal with a bitter and cold property, included in this formula when its action is to expel cold accumulation?
1. Essential pattern differentiation Da Huang Fu Zi Tang serves as the representative warm purgation prescription and is a common formula used to treat excess patterns of constipation due to cold accumulation. This clinical pattern is marked by abdominal pain, constipation, and cold limbs. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of interior excess cold accumulation: acute appendicitis, acute ileus, swollen and painful testis, cholecystalgia, post cholecystectomy syndrome, chronic dysentery, and uremia. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is prohibited to use in patterns of interior excess due to heat. The dosage of da huang is not supposed to surpass that of fu zi.
《Essentials from the Golden Cabinet》Jin Gui Yao Lue《金匱要略》

Rhubarb and Aconite DecoctionFormulation composition herbal medicine

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