Eight Corrections Powder

Eight Corrections PowderFormula Image

Eight Corrections Powder
ChiefHua Shi
    • effective for lubricating the orifices and passages
    • clears heat and percolates dampness
    • promotes urination and relieves strangury
This combination guides damp-heat downward from urination.
ChiefMu Tong
    • clears heart fire in the upper jiao
    • removes damp-heat in the lower jiao
This combination guides damp-heat downward from urination.
DeputyBian Xu
    • clear heat
    • promote urination
    • relieve strangury
This combination guides damp-heat downward from urination.
DeputyQu Mai
    • clear heat
    • promote urination
    • relieve strangury
This combination guides damp-heat downward from urination.
DeputyChe Qian Zi
    • clear heat
    • promote urination
    • relieve strangury
This combination guides damp-heat downward from urination.
AssistantShan Zhi Zi Ren
    • clears and reduces fire in the sanjiao
    • dredges the water passages
Strengths the power of the chief and deputy to clear heat, promote urination, and relieve strangury.
Guides damp-heat down and out via defecation.
AssistantDa Huang
    • clears heat
Guides damp-heat down and out via defecation.
Assistant&EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes the medicinals in the formula
    • clears heat
    • relieves pain and spasm
Assistant&EnvoyDeng Xin
    • further promotes urination and relieves strangury

Eight Corrections PowderPrescription Information

Eight Corrections Powder
Chinese Name



Dampclearing formulas

Plantaginis Semen (Che Qian Zi) 1 jin (500g), Dianthi Herba (Qu Mai) 1 jin (500g), Polygoni Avicularis Herba (Bian Xu) 1 jin (500g), Talcum (Hua Shi) 1 jin (500g), Gardeniae Fructus (Zhi Zi) 1 jin (500g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle (Zhi Gan Cao) 1 jin (500g), Akebiae Caulis (Mu Tong) 1 jin (500g), Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (Da Huang) 1 jin (500g)
Grind into powder. Take 6-10g with a decoction of deng xin cao. It can also be prepared as a decoction with deng xin cao included.
Clears heat and subdues fire, promotes urination, and relieves strangury.
Ba Zheng San is indicated for damp-heat strangury. The symptoms are frequent urgent urination, odynuria, dribbling urination, dark yellow urine, retention of urine in severe cases, cramps and fullness of abdomen, and a dry mouth and throat. The coating is yellow and greasy and the pulse is slippery and rapid.
This pattern is caused by damp-heat pouring downward into the bladder. Damp-heat accumulation in the bladder blocks the water passages and leads to frequent and urgent urination, odynuria, dysuria, and retention of urine. Damp-heat steams the urine causing it to become dark and turbid. Qi movement is blocked by damp-heat manifesting cramps and fullness of the abdomen. The distribution of fluid is blocked by damp-heat which leads to a dry mouth and throat. The therapeutic principle is to clear heat, promote urination, and relieve strangury.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Ba Zheng San is a common formula applied to strangury due to damp-heat. This clinical pattern is marked by frequent and urgent urination, odynuria, yellow and greasy tongue coating, slippery and rapid pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of damp-heat pouring downward: cystitis, urethritis, acute prostatitis, urinary stone, pyelonephritis, and postoperative or postpartum urinary retention.
Additonal formulae
Wu Lin San (Five Strangury Powder 五淋散)
《Formulas from the Imperial Pharmacy》Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang《太平惠民和劑局方》

Eight Corrections PowderFormulation composition herbal medicine

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