White Tiger Decoction

White Tiger DecoctionFormula Image

White Tiger Decoction
ChiefShi Gao
    • acrid, sweet, and extremely cold
    • clears heat and relieves vexation
The chief and deputy are mutually reinforced, as they clear stomach heat and nourish both yin and fluids.
DeputyZhi Mu
    • clears and drains stomach heat
    • nourishes yin and moistens dryness
The chief and deputy are mutually reinforced, as they clear stomach heat and nourish both yin and fluids.
AssistantJing Mi
    • boost the stomach and promote fluid production
    • harmonize the actions of all the medicinals in the formula
    • prevent the extremely cold medicinals from damaging the center
EnvoyGan Cao
    • boost the stomach and promote fluid production
    • harmonize the actions of all the medicinals in the formula
    • prevent the extremely cold medicinals from damaging the center

White Tiger DecoctionPrescription Information

White Tiger Decoction
Chinese Name



Heat-clearing formulas

Gypsum Fibrosum (Shi Gao) 1 jin (50g), Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (Zhi Mu) 6 liang (18g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Zhi Gan Cao) 2 liang (6g), Semen Oryza Sativa (Jing Mi) 6 he (9g)
Use one dou of water (2000 ml) to decoct the four medicinals. After the rice is cooked, strain out the liquid. Take one sheng (200 ml) of the decoction warm, three times a day.
Clears heat and generates fluids.
The formula is indicated for intense heat in the qi level with high fever, red facial complexion, restlessness and thirst, polydipsia, sweating, aversion to heat, and a surging, big, and forceful pulse.
Bai Hu Tang is the original formula used to treat yangming channel patterns. In this pattern, externally contracted cold pathogens transform into heat and invade inward into the yangming channel. The invasion of warm pathogens from the wei level to the qi level can also produce this pattern. Intense internal heat produces a fever, without aversion to cold. Stomach heat damages the fluids, which then causes thirst and the desire for cold drink. Internal heat steams fluids externally to produce sweating. The surging, big, and forceful pulse manifest from the intense internal heat. The method of clearing heat and generating fluids is the most appropriate for this pattern of intense heat in the qi level.
1. Essential pattern differentiation This formula is fundamental for treating excessive heat in the qi level. This clinical pattern is marked by high fever, profuse sweating, vexation and thirst, surging, large pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula is also used for acute epidemic and infectious diseases such as encephalitis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, lobar pneumonia, leptospirosis, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, influenza, typhoid, acute dysentery, malaria, measles, and sepsis syndrome which have been differentiated as a pattern of excess heat in the qi level. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula should not be used in patterns of fever without sweating and thirst in those whose interior symptoms have not released, patients with a superficial and thin or deep pulse, fever due to blood deficiency with a surging pulse that is deep when pressed deeply, and exuberant yin rebelling yang due to true cold with false heat.
Additonal formulae
1. Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang (White Tiger Decoction Plus Ginseng, 白虎加人參湯)
《Treatise on Cold Damage》Shang Han Lun《傷寒論》

White Tiger DecoctionFormulation composition herbal medicine

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