Cinnabar Mind-Calming Pill

Cinnabar Mind-Calming PillFormula Image

Cinnabar Mind-Calming Pill
ChiefZhu Sha
    • calms the mind with heavy sedation
    • clears heart fire
Both are cold in nature and heavy in quality.
This combination serves to calm the mind with heavy sedation and clear the heart to eliminate vexation.
DeputyHuang Lian
    • clears the heart and drains heate
Both are cold in nature and heavy in quality.
This combination serves to calm the mind with heavy sedation and clear the heart to eliminate vexation.
AssistantSheng Di
    • enriches yin and clears heat
AssistantDang Gui
    • supplements blood
    • enriches and nourishes yin-blood when combined with sheng di
EnvoyZhi Gan Cao
    • harmonizes other ingredients
    • harmonizes the center
    • prevents impairment of the stomach by cold and bitter nature of huang lian and the heavy quality of zhu sha
    • enriches and nourishes yin-blood when combined with sheng di

Cinnabar Mind-Calming PillPrescription Information

Cinnabar Mind-Calming Pill
Chinese Name



Sedative and tranquilizing formulas

Cinnabaris (Zhu Sha) 5 qian (15g), Coptidis Rhizoma (Huang Lian) 6 qian (18g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle (Zhi Gan Cao) 5.5 qian (16.5g), Rehmanniae Radix (Sheng Di) 1.5 qian (4.5g), Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 2.5 qian (7.5g)
Grind the ingredients into powder and shape into pills with honey. One dose is approximately 6-9g taken with warm water before sleep. It can also be prepared as a decoction.
Tranquilizes the heart and calms the mind, clears heat and nourishes the blood.
Zhu Sha an Shen Wan is indicated for insufficient yin-blood caused by the hyperactivity of heart fire. The symptoms are insomnia, profuse dreaming, (severe) palpitations, restlessness, and vexation. The tongue tip is red, and the pulse is thin and rapid.
This formula is applied to patterns of hyperactive heart fire consuming yin-blood. The mind is disturbed by hyperactivity of the heart fire; while, the heart spirit is not nourished because of deficiency of yin-blood. So the symptoms of insomnia, profuse dreaming, palpitations, and vexation occur. The red tongue and thin, rapid pulse are signs of hyperactivity of heart fire and deficiency of yin-blood. The therapeutic method is to reduce excessive heat and enrich yin-blood to calm the mind.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Zhu Sha an Shen Wan is a common formula used to treat mind disturbance due to hyperactivity of the heart fire consuming yin-blood. This clinical pattern is marked by insomnia, palpitations, red tongue, thin, rapid pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of hyperactivity of heart fire consuming yin-blood: insomnia, palpitations, forgetfulness, unclear mind due to melancholia, and palpitations caused by premature heart beating. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula should not be taken either too much or too long because zhu sha contains mercuric sulfide that can lead to mercury poisoning. It should be used with caution in those with yin deficiency and spleen weakness.
Additonal formulae
Ci Zhu Wan (Loadstones and Cinnabar Pill 磁朱丸), original name: Shen Qu Wan (Medicated Leaven Pill 神曲丸)
《Clarifying Doubts about Damage from Internal and External Causes》Nei Wai Shang Bian Huo Lun《內外傷辨惑論》

Cinnabar Mind-Calming PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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