Hindu Lotus Leaf

Hindu Lotus Leaf
Hindu Lotus Leaf
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Nelumbinis Folium
Chinese Name

Hindu Lotus LeafMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei.
Macroscopic Features
Often folds into half-round or folding fan-shape, when flattened it has a semi-round shape, 20~50cm in diameter, entire or slightly wavy. Upper surface is dark green or yellowish-green, relatively rough; lower surface is pale grayish-brown, relatively smooth, with 21~22 thick veins that spread from the center to around the sides; center has a raised base of leaf stem. Brittle texture, easily broken. faintly aromatic odor, slightly bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has large leaf, clean, green color.
Bitter; neutral.
Clears heat, resolves summer heat, sending up the lucid yang, cools blood, stops blood. Apply to constant thirst due to summer hygrosis, diarrhea due to summer hygrosis, diarrhea due to deficiency of spleen, haematemesis and epistaxis due to blood-heat, hematochezia and metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.
Processed Form
He ye charcoal: cleans the He ye, use the calcinations way to calcine He ye. Astrings, resolves stasis, stops blood; apply to variable types of hemorrhagic disease and postpartum anemic fainting.
The dried leaves of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.(Nymphaeaceae)

Hindu Lotus LeafHerbs in the formula

Channel-Clearing Beverage

Channel-Clearing Beverage

Action:Dispels summerheat and clears fire.
Indication:This formula is indicated for mild cases of summerheat with damage to the lung channel and qi level. The symptoms are moderate thirst, moderate dizziness, the feeling of moderate distention in the head, and a light red tongue body with a thin white coating.
Ten Charred Substances Powder

Ten Charred Substances Powder

Action:Cools blood and stanches bleeding.
Indication:Shi Hui San is indicated for hemorrhages due to blood heat. Examples include vomiting of blood, spitting of blood, expectoration of blood, coughing of blood, nosebleed. If the color of the blood is bright red, the situation is acute and severe. The tongue body is red and the pulse is rapid.
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